Selasa, 22 November 2011

Jeleskah saya..

P/s: Love the word from Mrs A. Thats what lingering around me for this few month. May Allah protect me from other feeling which could disturb me on my other life. Amin..

3 ulasan:

cikpia berkata...

ko jealous of apa nan........??? it seems that ur life dah cukup hapyy with a very loving and understanding hubby.

compare it with mine, tak kawen2 walau dah bazir 9 years bercinta.

HE gives us what we need, not what we want. so be grateful.

ha_nan berkata...

cikpia: i'm just a normal human. sometimes weird feeling singgah lalu-lalu on my mind. thanks for the word. it touch my heart deeply..

nanne_manja berkata...

Same goes here dik..akak bersyukur..walau tak ada rezeki lagi utk dapat anak,sekurang-kurangnya akak ada hubby dan keluarga serta kawan-kawan yang boleh terima keadaan akak seadanya..ALHAMDULILLAH